Circles of Rhythm Foundation


The Circles of Rhythm Foundation’s (CORF) aim is to bring the benefits of the Integrated Community Drum Circles (ICDC) to those affected by “The Three R’s”: Recovery, Resiliency, & Reconciliation. The UNITY annual fundraiser along with government grants will help fund the important mission of the CORF & other commUNITY agencies who are supporting affected marginalized populations in Calgary and the surrounding area. 


RESILIENCY- servicing people who

RECOVERY- servicing people who

RECONCILIATION – honouring & supporting our


  • Offering, affordable Integrated Community Drum Circle (ICDC) programming to Non-Profit Organizations who otherwise could not afford to fund “one off” -or- ongoing community offerings. 
  • “One off” bookings
  • 10-week programs
  • Year long, monthly drumming programs.


  • Providing customized training workshops to Non-Profit Organizations looking to offer sustainable programming using the Integrated Community Drum Circle (ICDC) methodology. 
    • 2-3 day trainings Level I & Level II programing
    • Learning materials & facilitator training manual
    • Subsidized “Drum Kit” 
  • Funding mentorship, coaching, and supervision hours offered by Circles of Rhythm Master ICDC Facilitators to optimize learning & integration into agency.
    • 1 on 1 coaching/consulting 
    • Group facilitation & integration seminars
    • Facilitator skill evaluation & mentorship program 


FUNDRAISERS & PUBLIC EVENTS – Aligned with “The 3-R’s”
  • Using the Integrated Community Drum Circle (ICDC) to raise awareness of a social cause, bringing people together through rhythm. Social causes must be consistent with “The 3-R’s”.  
    • Larger events
    • Festivals
    • Community Gathering 


Agencies interested in bringing the ICDC to their organization will need to apply to the Circles of Rhythm Foundation (CORF) for approval.

  • Applications will be reviewed by the CORF based on the following:
    • Alignment of CORF vision and mission with the applicant
    • The applicant’s client population served falls under “The 3-R’s”
    • The applicant agrees to actively participate and contribute towards the development of a sustainable & meaningful community for their clientele (ei: staff support & participation, promotion of service to clients & community, financial commitment to offset for subsidy received by the CORF) 

**Funding provided by the CORF is intended to subsidize regular rates based on the Circles of Rhythm booking regular rates. 

***The CORF is not yet equipped to accept applications – if you or your agency is interested in applying in the future, please contact us directly to be placed on our waiting list.

If you wish to make a donation/contribution to the foundation, please contact Judy Atkinson, President of the Circles of Rhythm Foundation at:  

Thank you to those who attended our First Annual Fundraising events June 15, 2019 & December 13th, 2019!

Stay tuned for next year’s events!

…one of many more collaborations not to be missed!

Thank you for your unconditional generosity!

Making a difference, one beat at a time!

Circles of Rhythm Foundation

We are pleased to announce the incorporation of the Circles of Rhythm Foundation, CORF, a registered society headed for non- profit/charitable status based in Calgary Alberta.

Our Mission

Mission is to facilitate therapeutic drum circles and one-on-one healing practices for individuals and organizations in need of mental or emotional healing. We also provide facilitator training to help empower organizations and individuals to bring this tool to more people in need. Give them a rod not a fish is our motto in this intensive and life changing training program

Our Vision

The CORF was formed to bring the healing power of the integrative drum circle to organizations and individuals across Alberta and Canada. As chaos and uncertainty, violence and fragmentation increase in the world, so does anxiety and depression. Helping reduce and dissolve mental and emotional stress is our passion. Therapeutic drum circles as a standard mental and emotional health treatment is our vision.

Therapeutic Drum Circles

Therapeutic Drum Circles are an effective tool for Mental Health Treatment are and becoming widely accepted in the health care community locally and internationally. We gather in a circle, play drums from around the world together while being facilitated by a professional leader.  Repeatedly participants report that this unique therapeutic approach is making a big difference in people’s recovery from mental, emotional and physical health issues. The joyful, uplifting effect of the drum is  infectious and lifts people out of negativity gracefully and naturally. Our unique integrative approach incorporates activities which activate the body, mind, emotions and spirit.  Everyone is included and seen as a significant contributor to the sound healing that we create together.  Self worth is lifted, hearts are nudged open and minds are able to rest.  No experience is required; everyone has rhythm. Our facilitation techniques create an accessible and empowering experience in which everyone leaves feeling successful and significant.

Examples of Clients we have Served

Offering therapeutic drum circles across the province for over 20 years, we have a proven track record for successful healing and recovery.

Women’s Shelters
Boys and Girls Clubs
Youth Addictions Services
Private events for ill friends and family
Kids Camps
Funerals and Memorial Services
Eating Disorder Groups
AA and AL-ANON meetings
Addictions Recovery Centers
Seniors Centers

This is creative financing!  We are a Not-for-Profit Organization registered through the Alberta Societies Act. However, you will be given the satisfaction of knowing that many individuals will benefit from the healing vibrations of our unique therapeutic modality.  Any donation you decide to make will be a gift given freely, enabling us to enhance mental and emotional health to those in need.

Based on Research by Dr. Bruce Perry. Neurosequencial reprogramming is the effect of addressing the whole brain, starting in the lower brain, and then moving up to more complex regions and functions.  Simply put, if we calm the lower brain first, the executive functions are more accessible as a result.  Research is showing us that regular rhythmical activity returns us to the state of consciousness we were in for some 9 months in our mothers womb.  There we were safe, warm, calm and peaceful.  There was no pain or drama, just peace, and the sound and vibration of our mothers heart beating.  Introducing a regular rhythmical activity, such as drumming, to a mental health therapeutic regime has been shown to have a profound effect on the patient, enabling them to be more receptive to other more cognitive forms of therapy after the drumming has been applied.

Disturbances such as anxiety, depression, self mutilation, low self esteem, fear, anger, guilt and shame can all be reduced, and some even dissolved when an individual or group drumming activity is introduced to a therapeutic treatment plan.

If you wish to make a donation/contribution to this exciting new foundation, please contact Judy Atinkson, President of the Circles of Rhythm Foundation at:  

Thank you for your unconditional generosity!

Making a difference, one beat at a time!


What People Say

“You cant stay grouchy at a drum circle, the joy is contagous!”

“Thank you once again for sharing your gift.”

“This really grounded me and also lightened my heart”

“This really grounded me and also lightened my heart”

“To be moved to tears while participating in your session was a true surprise to me.”

“Clearly, drumming fills my soul to overflowing. I loved it!”

“Judy’s work is ultimately about revitalizing, invigorating and inspiring.”

“Judy is head and shoulders above any of the 12+ drum circle facilitator I have experience d in the US.” Suncor Energy

“We are thrilled to have the World Expert Drum Circle Facilitator right here in Calgary.” Suncor Energy

“Thanks for making the drum experience available to everyone” Telus

“I will never forget this conference because of the drum circle.” Enmax

“It was not only fun, but educational and inspirational.” Husky Energy

“I think we should return to the drum circle as a kick off every year at our annual conference.” Trans Canada

“Rather than just beating our own drums, we became a part of something bigger than ourselves.” Agrium

“This was a very tough and sceptical crowd, but everyone benefited immensely from it” Myers Norris Penny

“I feel refreshed, re-energized, peaceful and serene. I just feel better!” Banff Centre for Managment

“Absolutely fantastic!” Suncor Energy

“This was an experience where everyone contributed equally to the whole” Talisman Energy

“It broke down barriers and got us working really well together as a team.” Royal Bank

“We can play our own beat and still contribute to the whole” Royal Host

“We experienced successful communication and teamwork with virtually no words!” EnCana

“The most effective, accessible and fun team event ever!” City of Calgary

“It really re-energized us after a tough cerebral day”

“The Boom Whackers are magical; they really brought people from our region together.”

“Judy has a profound way of putting into words what is un-talked about at work, love, spirit and joy!”

“The three words that best describe this workshop are joyful, playful and profound.”

“Judy Atkinson offers hope and inspiration to women who are coming into the menopausal time of their lives, or are in transition of any kind.

“Judy’s story as a living example of how to not get stuck in the patterns of resentment, fear or self-doubt, but move on to become happy and successful”

“What wonderful work you’re doing. I know you enjoy it, and you bring such joy to others through it.”

“It is obvious that this is your passion”

“You just shine when you get into the center of the drum circle, it is fantastic to watch you do your magic!”