Fall 2021 – Friday Night Drum Circles – Inglewood Community Hall, Restrictions Exemption Program

DRUMMING IN THE PARK, 2021 – It’s a Wrap!

We’ve had such beautiful time drumming in the park with all of you this Summer. Circles of Rhythm is proud to state that we have been able to keep everyone safe while drumming in the great outdoors. Many who were walking by joined in on the fun, often times joining us the following week! Our grand finale last Friday, we saw over 100 drummers & 30+ spectators clapping their hands or joining in with a small piece of percussion.

Autumn is upon us, and so we will be transitioning from our spectacular open-air events in the Weaselhead Flats of North Glenmore Park into our home at the Inglewood Community Hall.


Now that the cooler weather is upon us, we are excited to share that starting October 1, plans have been finalized to return to the Inglewood Community Association Hall located at 1740- 24th Ave SE, Calgary, AB. Doors will open around 6:40, commencing with our 7:00 pm Drum Call until our closing at 8:30.

At Circles of Rhythm, we are committed to providing an Integrated Community Drum Circle experience grounded in compassion, kindness, and tolerance.  We strive to create an inclusive, non-judgemental environment where participants are encouraged to creatively express themselves while taking part in our heart-centred events. We are also big believers in the power of rhythm to help regulate our nervous systems & improve our overall health – which for many have been severely affected – both virtually and virally – since March 2020.

The pandemic has forced us to take some time away from drumming, the outdoor Friday Nights helped our team to really reflect on the “why” behind our weekly gatherings. SafetyInclusivityDiversityCommunity, and Creative Expression come up as values-based statements that best describe the Friday Night Community Drum Circle Events. We are committed to continue to allow these Values to guide our team as we transition into weekly indoor drumming events.

Short Term Plan:

Some drumming is better than no drumming. In accordance with the current rental facility policies and the recently imposed business operation by-laws, COR will be implementing the Restrictions Exemption Program as outlined by AHS in its September CMOH Order 45-2021. What that means for our drumming community is that before entering the premises, all volunteers and participants:

  1. Over the age of 12 will be required to show valid:
    1. proof of vaccination, or
    1. proof of a privately-paid negative rapid test result taken within 72 hours of service, or
    1. documentation of a medical exemption

In addition to the above

  • Individuals 18 and over must also present personal identification to confirm their identity such as a driver’s licence, government-issued ID, citizenship card, passport, etc. (photo ID is not required)

Masks are mandatory upon entry and until seated. You may remove your mask when able to maintain physical distance from others outside of your own cohort.

While we can appreciate what the potential impact of doing so may have on individual circumstances and perspectives, please know that in order to continue offering our in-person weekly circles, we must adhere to all mandated provincial and municipal health orders.

Can’t attend our Community Drum Circle because of these changes?

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please fill out this Google Doc.

Long Term Plan:

We have submitted a proposal to the Board of Directors to be considered as an “Out-of-Scope Operator” under the Mutual Support Group/Meetings essential service description. We hope that, as the

We strongly believe the programming we provide is essential to the mental health and wellbeing of all attendees and wish to continue offering our FNDC to all who would like to participate while ensuring that public health safety remains a high priority. Our hope is that as the COVID-19 situation improves, we will be able to remove the need to request proof of vaccination with increased health measures, consequently allowing all who wish to access our programming to do so safely.

Let’s keep our hearts and minds focused on what is most important: We are capable of sharing a Loving Kindness to our fellow humans, regardless of our differences.

At this time, we encourage you to reflect upon the many reasons each of us comes together to drum in unity, especially during these complex, often divisive times. Your patience and respect for these health directives is greatly appreciated as the Circles of Rhythm team works hard to continue fostering a space for us all to connect – with ourselves and others – in a positive, safe, and supportive social environment.

Please also know that in the event you choose not to physically attend at this time, we will continue to hold space in our collective hearts for you in all the ways – both within and outside the circle.  Your well-being matters to us and we wish to hear from you! Please complete this form as we continue to work towards a more inclusive solution to these convoluted times. We love you, and we look forward to reconnecting with you as soon as possible!

Be kind and gentle in spirit, action, and intention with yourself and others as we venture forth into yet another challenging season – you are loved and you are worthy!